A great app to keep the kids busy!
Pickin Stix took me back to my childhood, when I had a little cylinder filled with colofrul plastic "Pickup Sticks". Youd toss em in a pile, and then try to pick them up without disturbing the other sticks. Not only was it a great way to stay engrossed for a while, but it was also teaching me and my friends manual dexterity, as well as how to use our depth and relational perception to figure out how to move a stick without moving any others.
Now Jonathan Tenkely has come out with his iPhone version, just the thing to pass to the kids when theyre bored and you want to keep them out of trouble. With Pickin Stix, you shake the iPhone to "toss" the 47 sticks, then use a finger to "pick them up". The better you do at tapping on the top sticks, the faster youll get done.
The only complaint I have is that Pickin Stix, currently in a 1.0 release, has no way to keep your best time or to compare your time to others. Id also like to see an advanced mode with more sticks to pick up for an additional challenge, and a way to pause a game.
Steve from the Ranch about
Pickin' Stix