In the app description it says you need 2.2.1 like most people I know my phone says 2.2 (in itunes and on phone) always good enough it the past.
well not anymore the developer says "you are running iPhone OS 2.2. It is stated on the Pickin Stix product page, your phone needs to be running the latest 2.2.1 (5H11) ".
I usually upgrade on major release and am not going to upgrade my phone with every minor release as its usually not worth the problems you can get from apple.
Now I have to worry about developers creating software that will only run on a particular minor release, dont think so. Looks like the app store is on a down hill slide, most folks will not deal with figuring out which minor release they need for which app.
They got my $.99 , I consider it a cheap lesson.
aka LGgeek about Pickin' Stix